A bit of info for you
 - 7 TO 10 YEARS
Get into heaps of seriously exciting indoor and outdoor fun activities.
You'll become a member of a 'Six' led by a 'Sixer' and will meet weekly at the local Scout Hall or go out on activities. There'll be games to play and new friends to meet. You'll wear your own Cub Scout uniform to show you're part of the best Cub Pack in the District.

A Cub Scout pack comprises up to 24 boys and girls aged around 7 to 10 years who take off together on an a exciting trail to adventure! The well trained volunteer leaders are known by names taken from the famous story The Jungle Book.

The jungle theme still captures the imagination of young Cub Scouts. Cub Scouts learn about basic bushcraft and how to react to emergencies.They learn new skills through fun and games. The games are important, and are carefully devised to encourage teamwork and sharing, encouraging the younger and less experienced to 'do their best'.
Through Adventure based activities Cub Scouts learn the first steps in cooperation and taking responsibility. Rock climbing, abseiling, camping under canvas and bushwalking are all introduced at an appropriate level.

Cub Scouts get to visit all sorts of places and do tons of things, whether it be a night Possum Prowl at LaTrobe Uni, visiting the Air Ambulance or perhaps camping in the bush for 5 days of fantastic activities with 3,000 other Cubs. There's no limit to the activities and the only rule is that we MUST have fun!

Cub Scouts love putting new badges on their uniform! Awards are presented in recognition of the effort made by each Cub at their own level of ability.
Boys and girls are recognised for their developing skills through the 'Boomerang Award Scheme' which includes activities on personal hygiene and healthcare, science and discovery., safety at home and in the bush, tests of physical skill, handcrafts and the traditional Scouting skills of knotting, map and compass and hiking.
Achievement Badges include sport, boating, cycling, entertaining, gardening, pet care, nature craft, construction and science. The ultimate award - the 'Grey Wolf'- is awarded to those Cub Scouts who demonstrate a long term commitment and attain the highest levels in badge work.

Cubs make a promise on joining and agree to keep to two Cub Scout Laws. These are reinforced throughout their time at Cubs and helps them to improve themselves.
Cub Scout Promise
On my honour, I promise
that I will do my best
to do my duty
to my God
and to the Queen of Australia (or "to Australia")
to help other people
and to live by the Cub Scout Law
The Cub Scout Laws
Cub Scouts are loyal and obedient
Cub Scouts do not give in to themselves.

Cubs also have their own special prayer, said during the Cub meeting each week and on some other occasions (sometimes Cubs may make up their own prayers).
An important part of Scouting is a religious belief, although there is no requirement on which religious belief it is, so we welcome members with any religious background.
The Cub Scout Prayer
Help us o Lord
To serve you day by day
To do our duty
and to enjoy our play
To keep the Cub Scout Promise
and to rest
Happy that we've tried to do our best