Within the Cub Pack, our Cubs are divided into groups called Sixes - Grey Six, Red Six, Brown Six, Tawny Six and Black Six.
The colours for our Sixes are taken from the names of some of Mowgli's 'brother' wolves, in the "Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling.... Grey Brother, Red Fang, Brown Tip, Tawny Fur and Black Plume. Another is White Claw.  
Our Sixers wear this badge on their left pocket.

...and our Seconds wear this badge.

The Sixers and Seconds could be termed the foremen of the Pack, there to assist the Leaders with the smooth operating of the weekly program. However, they're not junior Leaders, so they're still there to enjoy Cubs and have fun!
Scouting has progressive Youth Training, starting in Cubs with Sixers and Seconds and moving on through Scouts, Venturers and Rovers.
Some areas where Sixers and Seconds can help are shown here. These are just a guide and often based on what the Leaders need the Sixers and Seconds to help out with.
- Investitures
- Going Up
- Grand Howl
- Flag Break
Pack Co-operation
- Set a good example for younger Cub Scouts to follow
- Be alert to Leaders' hand signals
- Motivating their Six to help clean up / pack up after activities
Helping New Chums feel welcome
- Introducing to rest of Six
- Explaining hand signals and team game formations and other Pack procedures.
Weekly Pack Meetings
- Ensuring Six ready for Grand Howl and Inspection
- Responsible for collecting Bones at the end of the night
- Duty Six - organise for Flag to be rolled and Hall to be clean and tidy after the Pack Meeting
- taken from "Pack Councils Pack a Punch"