Enquiries:   For enquiries (except those types listed below), contact:
                Wayne Renfrew is our Cub Scout Leader,
                known as Akela in the Cub Pack
                  0411 121 495

                Max is Group Leader for our Scout Group
                  03 9459 0836
Website Enquiries: For any enquiries about
                our Rosanna Cubs website ,                 email Wayne at :
Hall Hire: For any enquiries about hiring out
                Rosanna Scout Hall,                 email:
Joining us:
For enquiries about joining our Cub Pack, as a Cub Scout or Cub Scout Leader, contact:
Cub Scout Leader, Wayne (Akela):
    0411 121 495
For enquiries about becoming a Leader in another Section, joining the Committee, or becoming a youth member in other Sections of our Group, contact:
Group Leader, Max:
    03 9459 0836
If you're perhaps interested in Cubs, we will arrange for you to come along for a look - we usually get new kids coming along for 4-6 weeks to firstly see if they want to join and also to learn about what Cubs is all about before we get a uniform organised and Invest you into our Pack.
We require a form to be filled in before the first night. This gives us some details of you and covers us for insurance. If you decide after a few weeks that you'd like to join, then we organise for your registration as a Cub to be processed. You can also see the Visitor Details Form on our Paperwork page here.
Do you live in another area? If you live too far away to join Rosanna Cubs, but want to get involved, you can use your postcode to find local Groups on the Victorian Scouts website.