There's always paperwork and info! Here are some common forms and info for your use.
The majority of the documents will open a Microsoft Word document, others will open in an Adobe Reader file. Adobe Reader is free and can be downloaded by clicking their logo below. (link opens up in a new window). All documents will open in a new window.
Trying out / Joining Rosanna Cubs
If you're looking at trying out and hopefully joining Rosanna Cubs, here's the initial info you need
Trying out / Joining Rosanna Cubs
Medical / Health Form (Personal Information Record)
This form is required for some activities - don't forget to put the activity name and date(s) at the top. You can also download this form, fill out all the details on your PC and save it for future use... just remember to change the details at the top (and check through the form fully for updates needed) for each activity. PLEASE ENSURE that the form is brought along on the day of the activity - so it has the most up to date health info on the child at the start of the actual activity.
Personal Information Record and Health Statement (Look under Health and Injury Forms)
WWC - Working with Children Check Cards for Parents & Helpers
To help ensure the safety of our Cubs, we need to ensure we stick to the rules such as those regarding Working with Children Checks (WWC). To enable us to get wide support from our Parents and other Helpers, we encourage them to obtain a WWC Card and to be registered with us as a "Rostered Parent", which pulls in the WWC details and keeps track of it all. The document below explains about WWC registration, so please read it and follow the processes to either get a card, or get your existing card registered with Scouts Victoria. Once your card is registered properly, please then contact our Group Leader at gl@rosannascouts.org and ask to be added as a "Rostered Parent", so you'll be able to help us out when needed.
WWC - Working with Children Cards (Look under Working with Children Check)
Kit Lists
Kit List - Dormitories
This is our kit list for camps where we're staying in dormitories
Kit List for dormitories
Kit List - Tents
...and this is for when we're staying in tents
Kit List for tents
All Melway map references are from Edition 35 (2008). Map Links on this site are to street-directory.com.au or Google Maps . The graphics may be hard to read in your browser if they are shrunk to fit onto the page (according to your browser settings). Click on them and they should go full size.
Our Discipline and Drop-off/Pickup Policies
...As the name suggests, for info for all parents and Cubs.
Inspection - Cub Kit
We have inspection at Cubs each week and Cubs can earn a 'bone' for their Six.... Sometimes they tell us they've forgotten what they should have in their kit... Now they've got no excuse!!
Inspection Kit List
Where to put those Badges on your Uniform
This diagram is in your Yellow Books, but here's a bigger pic!
Cub Uniform Badge Diagram Leader Uniform Badge Diagram
Visitor Details Form (Y4)
When someone wants to come along for a look at Cubs, we need to get some details filled out and given to Akela. Initially, this is just for insurance purposes and emergency contacts... a further invitation will be sent out to join Cubs.
When filling out the Visitor Details form... where it asks for Parent name, mobile number and email address, please fill out this info for both parents - to help us with emergency contacts and in emailing notices.
Visitor Details Form (Y4) (Look under Youth Forms)