Date | Day | Activity | Details | Leader |
Centenary Year of Australian Scouting - 1908-2008 |
Rosanna Cub Scouts - Term 1, 2008 - Program |
5/2/08 | Tue | Welcome to the first Cub night for 2008! - A Games Night. |
12/2/08 | Tue | Test 7 - Promise and Law | Bronze-P23, Silver-P38 Gold-P53 | Chil |
17/2/08 | Sun | Cuboree Orientation | Getting the Leaders ready for Cuboree! | - |
19/2/08 | Tue | Initiative Games | Not bad working as a team! | Akela |
26/2/08 | Tue | World Conservation - Part 1 | We learned about World Conservation AND started earning a Special Badge! | Akela |
27/2/08 | Wed | Seeonee | Meeting of Banyule District Cub Leaders - Greenhills | - |
4/3/08 | Tue | Test 4 - Outdoor Scouting 2 - Outdoor Cooking | Bronze-P20, Silver-P35 Gold-P50 | Chil |
11/3/08 | Tue | Mythology | We travelled to Ancient Greece for some fun! | Akela |
12/3/08 | Wed | Cuboree - Parents' Info Night  | Getting your questions answered! | - |
16/3/08 | Sun | Banyule Festival March  | It was hot, but we marched in Heidelberg and showed off 100 years of Australian Scouting! | - |
18/3/08 | Tue | BBQ & Yabbying Night  | We had a BBQ, Invested Bagheera and then caught some yabbies in the dark! | Chil |
21/3-6/4 |   | School Holidays | Term 1 down, 3 to go! First Easter, and then it was... Time for CUBOREE 5! | - |
31/3-4/4 |   | Cuboree 5 - "A World of Wonders" | This is what you'd been waiting for.... and now we've done it!! | - |
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Rosanna Cub Scouts - Term 2, 2008 - Program |
8/4/08 | Tue | Games Night | Time to get back into Cubs after the long hard holidays and Cuboree and we had 3 Investitures! | Chil |
15/4/08 | Tue | Test 8 - Fitness | Bronze-P24, Silver-P39 Gold-P54 | Akela |
22/4/08 | Tue | Test 1 - Health and First Aid | Bronze-P17, Silver-P32 Gold-P47 | Chil |
23/4/08 | Wed | Seeonee | Meeting of Banyule District Cub Leaders - Montmorency (RSL) | - |
25/4/08 | Fri | Anzac Day | Dawn Service at Simpson Barracks, Macleod and March at Greensborough | Akela |
29/4/08 | Tue | Heritage | Tony Turtle came from the Watsonia RSL so we could earn part of our Heritage Badge for this year | Chil |
6/5/08 | Tue | Father & Cub Night preparing for Mothers Day | It was time to get ready for Mothers Day - Dad (or Uncle, Grandpa etc) had fun beating the Cubs in games and helping with the Mothers Day gifts! | Chil Bagheera |
12/5/08 | Mon | Joint night | We went to visit Eaglemont Cubs and had tons of fun - even Billycarts and chocolate! | Akela |
20/5/08 | Tue | Test 5 - Our Cub Scout Traditions | Four Investitures tonight - Welcome! Bronze-P21, Silver-P36, Gold-P51 | Chil |
27/5/08 | Tue | World Conservation - Part 2 | We mostly finished off our World Conservation Badge - don't forget those seeds to grow and stuff! | Akela |
28/5/08 | Wed | Seeonee | Meeting of Banyule District Cub Leaders - Rosanna | - |
31/5-1/6/08 | Sat -Sun | First Aid Camp - Camp Warringal  | For Cubs in their final year with us - Four of our Cubs attended and earned their Level 2 First Aid | - |
3/6/08 | Tue | Test 13 - Handcraft | Some weird and wonderful things made THAT night plus a new Cub Invested! Bronze-P29, Silver-P44, Gold-P59 | Chil Bagheera |
10/6/08 | Tue | Space Badge | We had tons of fun in space and earned our Space badge (Yellow Book, page 132)! | Akela |
17/6/08 | Tue | Possum Prowl | We went for a walk in the dark at LaTrobe to see what we could see - possums, kangaroos, bats, flying foxes, spiders, frogs... all sorts! | Akela |
21-22/6/08 | Sat - Sun | Gang Show, Family BBQ & Cub Sleepover! | We saw GANG SHOW and had great fun, then we joined with 1st Bendigo for a family BBQ at the Hall, then a CUB Sleepover (well I think some Cubs got some sleep)! | - |
24/6/08 | Tue | Jungle Theme | Cubs is based on the Jungle Book - we dressed up as our favourite Jungle characters! | Akela |
28/6-13/7 |   | School Holidays | Halfway through the year already! Who'd have thunk it? | - |
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Rosanna Cub Scouts - Term 3, 2008 - Program |
15/7/08 | Tue | Games Night | First off we created our new Six - Tawny and then had two Investitures. Then into some games to kick off the Term. | Bagheera |
22/7/08 | Tue | Test 2 - Safety | Bronze-P18, Silver-P33 Gold-P48 | Akela |
29/7/08 | Tue | Sense Training | We got to see how good our taste, touch, observation etc. were! | Chil |
2/8/08 | Sat | Scouts Biggest Street Party  | It's our Centenary, so Cubs took their parents to celebrate in St Kilda Rd Click on the link for more details | Akela |
5/8/08 | Tue | Test 12 - Self Expression | We had a new Cub to Invest plus the first Going Up and Investiture into Rosanna Scout Troop Bronze-P28, Silver-P43, Gold-P58 | Chil |
12/8/08 | Tue | Centenary Night  - celebrating the Centenary of Scouts in Australia | Scouts Australia is 100! We got dressed up how we reckon kids would have 100 years ago and we had some old-time games 'n stuff! | Akela |
19/8/08 | Tue | Joint Night with Bundoora Cubs! | So far we've visited other Packs when we've had a joint night - we thought it was time to invite some Cubs to see us! | Chil |
22/8/08 | Fri | District Swimming Night  | It was time to go along to the pool at Ivanhoe Girls Grammar, earn some swimming badges and have fun | Akela |
26/8/08 | Tue | Test 6 - Symbols of Australia | Bronze-P22, Silver-P37 Gold-P52 | Chil |
27/8/08 | Wed | Seeonee | Meeting of Banyule District Cub Leaders - Bundoora | - |
30/8/08 | Sat | Sixers Dinner | A special dinner and entertainment put on each year for the Sixers in the District | Bagheera |
2/9/08 | Tue | Mother & Cub Night  | Father's Day was coming up! we got the Mums in to have some fun and help do something for Dad! - plus an Investiture | Bagheera |
9/9/08 | Tue | Visit to East Melbourne Fire Station  East Melbourne | We visited the biggest Fire Station in Melbourne... pretty cool eh! | Akela |
16/9/08 | Tue | Egyptology!  | We walked like an Egyptian. We talked and looked like Egyptians. ...and we wanted our Mummy! We dressed up and had tons of fun with hieroglyphics, Mummys, pyramids, tomb robbers and camels! | Akela |
20/9-5/10 |   | School Holidays | Well that's 3/4 of the way through 2008 and we'll start Term 4 with the new early start to Daylight Saving! | - |
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Rosanna Cub Scouts - Term 4, 2008 - Program |
7/10/08 | Tue | Games Night | Welcome to Term 4 - time for some fun to get it going. | Chil |
8/10/08 | Wed | Seeonee | Meeting of Banyule District Cub Leaders - at Eaglemont | - |
14/10/08 | Tue | Test 7 - Promise and Law | Bronze-P23, Silver-P38 Gold-P53 | Akela |
18/10/08 | Sat | JOTA - Jamboree of the Air  | We headed off to Clifford Park to talk to other Cubs and Scouts on the Ham Radios, plus tons of other activities. | Akela |
21/10/08 | Tue | Masks & Sculpture | We tried something different - and we even earned a badge! | Bagheera |
28/10/08 | Tue | Baden-Powell and the Jungle | Did you know that Lord Baden-Powell started Scouting? Or that he based Cub Scouts on the Jungle Book? We had some fun finding out about it | Akela |
4/11/08 | Tue | C U P D A Y | There was a horse race on or something, so NO CUBS! | - |
11/11/08 | Tue | Test 3 - Ropes | Bronze-P19, Silver-P34 Gold-P49 | Akela |
14-16/11/08 | Fri - Sun | Pack Holiday  | Our First Pack Holiday for Rosanna! Staying in the 'Railway Carriages' at Joseph Harris Scout Park - Bay Park, Mt Martha, we had Brilliant fun! | - |
18/11/08 | Tue | Test 4 - Outdoor Scouting 1 - Compass and Navigation / Maps and Hiking | Bronze-P20, Silver-P35 Gold-P50 | Chil |
25/11/08 | Tue | 2nd Cub Olympiad | Tonight we travelled to Paris for the 2nd Annual Cub Olympics. | Akela |
26/11/08 | Wed | Seeonee | Meeting of Banyule District Cub Leaders - at Heidelberg | - |
2/12/08 | Tue | Penny Hike | Does everything in your life have to be organised for you? Tonight we went for a walk - and where we went was all based on the flip of a coin! | Bagheera |
9/12/08 | Tue | Group Christmas Breakup | It was time to celebrate our 2nd Christmas as a Scout Group and the first one with our new Scout Troop. Santa was excellent! | Akela |
19/12/08 - 28/1/09 |   | School Holidays | ...and so that was the end of another year! Time for a break before coming back at Cubs on Tuesday 3rd Feb, 2009! | - |
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