To become a Waterwise Cub Scout
Complete any six of the following "Waterwise" activities. These may be done as a Pack, a small group or individually. If you do them individually you need to report, in any form you choose, to your Pack on what you have learnt.
Conduct simple experiments to show your understanding of two of the following: capillary action; surface tension; the density of salt water; how oil floats on water; how a submarine works or similar.
Use your water meter to find out how much water your family uses in a week. Discuss with your family how you could reduce this amount.
Design and make a fridge magnet to display a water saving message to your family.
Protecting our Wetlands
Find out how the things we put down our drains affect our rivers, streams and wetlands.
Design a poster to show what we can do to help protect our wetlands OR make up an environmentally friendly cleaning kit using everyday items such as vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, lemon juice etc. Include instructions on how to use these products.
Water is vital to our health. Find out what happens to our bodies if we don't have enough water or if our water is not clean. Tell your Six or Pack what you have learnt.
Water and the Natural Environment
Choose a way to show that you understand the water cycle and the three forms water can take: solid, liquid and gas.
Perform a community serice such as helping to re-establish a wetland, planting low water-use shrubs or similar. Contact an environmental group to see what you can do to help your community.
Global Community
1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean water. List six countries where there is not enough clean water and the names of two groups working to help these countries. Find out if there is anything your family or your Pack can do to help.
With your Pack participate in a quiz or a Wide Game with a water theme.
With your family or your Pack visit a dam or water catchment area. Find out what area it supplies with water and any other interesting facts you can. Tell your Six or Pack what you have learnt. You might like to take some photos to help you explain.
Home Environment
At home or at your Scout Hall help to build a frog friendly garden, plant some native shrubs or ground covers or similar. If you do this activity at home bring a note from a parent.
  This info is also in the Special Interest Badge section of your yellow Australian Cub Scout Record Book - pages 150-151 