The badges are earned according to the number of kilometres hiked in Scouting. "Hiking" includes all walking as a Scouting member, whether on overnight or day trips. At the first (10 kilometres) level, the minimum trip distance able to qualify is 3 kilometres. Thereafter, each hike must be a minimum of 10 kilometres.
In addition, if you take part in Bike Hikes, Canoe Expeditions, etc, you may use the distances travelled on these events towards your totals for the Walkabout Scout Award. To count such activities, the total distance travelled should be halved (20 kilometres travelled on a bike becomes 10 kilometres towards the Walkabout Scout Award).
There are five Badges in the series. Each replaces the previous Badges earned and only the highest one for which you are qualified is worn:
- 10 kilometres
- 50 kilometres
- 100 kilometres
- 150 kilometres
- 200 kilometres
(Each Badge is identical in design. The number is changed to show the number of kilometres recognised by the Award.)
How to achieve the Badge:
A register of hiking trips is to be made. The register requires the dates and locations of the trip, the type of trip, the number of nights, and kilometres walked. When the total of kilometres walked reaches that necessary for a Badge, a line should be ruled in red under the most recent entry and the total signed off by your Leader.