Complete two (2) tasks each from A, B and C:
A. Investigate
1. What telephone number do you ring when there has been an accident/incident?
2. What are the main household security issues you should be aware of?
3. What are the personal safety issues you need to be aware of?
B. Skill
1. Using a fluoro pen (or engraver under adult supervision) mark your mother's, father's or guardian's drivers licence number onto your TV, bike, computer(s) and any other items of value.
2. Take photos of your items. Download photos onto your computer and then onto a DVD or floppy disk and place it somewhere for safe keeping (if there is no computer at home, write them into a book).
3. Briefly explain what NHW does and how it can benefit yourself as a Cub or Scout.
C. Activity
1. Get your local NHW Co-ordinator (Police member) to talk to you about NHW.
2. Organise with your local NHW Co-ordinator (Police member) to attend your Pack and present the Pack with their NHW badges.
Items 1 and 2 in part 'B. Skill' can be completed at home and have acknowledgement made by a parent or guardian