'Their Service - Our Heritage' Badge
![Their Service, Our Heritage Award Badge](heritage.jpg)
This award was introduced in the year 2000 for all members of Scouts Australia, with the intention of raising the level of awareness of youth members about our Veterans and providing Scout members with an opportunity to actively participate in the 'Their Service - Our Heritage' program.
This is an annual award and is achieved each year with the year commencing on 25th April. The badge will have a different coloured edging each year.
Participate in two activities relevant to 'Their Service - Our Heritage'.
- Take part in an ANZAC day march or ceremony.
- Take part in Remembrance Day.
- Invite a Veteran to your meeting to talk to you.
- Visit a Veterans Home or the local RSL.
- Maintain your local Memorial.
- Visit a tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
  This info is also in the Special Interest Badge section of your yellow Australian Cub Scout Record Book - page 152 