![First Aider](minifirstaider.jpg)
Level 1
![First Aider Level 1 Achievement Badge](firstaider_lvl1.jpg)
1. Discuss the limitations of your knowledge as a first aider and the importance of getting adult help quickly.
2. Discuss how germs and diseases are transmitted and the importance of cleanliness to you and your patient.
3. Show you understand DRABC.
4. Show how to treat minor cuts and abrasions. Put on an adhesive dressing.
5. Demonstrate how to treat a nosebleed.
6. Using a triangular bandage, show how to put on a sling and a head bandage.
7. Show how to put on an ankle bandage using a 5cm or 7.5cm roller bandage.
8. Discuss how to dial the emergency number in your area and to ask for a special service, from a land line and mobile phone.
Level 2
![First Aider Level 2 Achievement Badge](firstaider_lvl2.jpg)
1. Discuss the limitations of your knowledge as a first aider and the importance of getting adult help quickly.
2. Show you understand DRABC.
3. Demonstrate how to place someone into the recovery position and to open and keep the airway clear.
4. Show how to clean and dress a gravel rash or abrasion.
5. Show how to treat a bleeding wound on the body and on a limb.
6. Explain heat related conditions and how you should treat a patient showing the signs and symptoms of these.
7. Discuss the common causes of burns and scalds and show how to treat them.
8. Show how to treat:
a. snake and funnel web spider bites.
b. other spider bites.
c. insect bites.
9. Discuss how to use land and mobile phones in an emergency and deliver a message to an adult over 100 metres away. The message is to include information on time, state/territory, number of casualties and condition of casualties.
  This info is also in the Achievement Badge section of your yellow Australian Cub Scout Record Book - pages 93-94 