Level 1
![Cyclist Level 1 Achievement Badge](cyclist_lvl1.jpg)
1. Demonstrate how to clean a bicycle.
2. Name the different parts of a bicycle and explain their use.
3. Explain what safety equipment a rider and bicycle must have.
4. Demonstrate what hand signals a rider must use during a bicycle ride.
5. Demonstrate how to mount and dismount properly.
6. Explain the most important road rules that apply to cyclists.
7. Demonstrate how to ride a bicycle and, under supervision, go for a ride of at least one kilometre demonstrating proper hand signals and the ability to ride safely.
Level 2
![Cyclist Level 2 Achievement Badge](cyclist_lvl2.jpg)
1. Own or have regular use of a bicycle of the proper size.
2. Demonstrate how to clean and oil your bicycle, pump up the tyres, repair a puncture, replace a brake block and adjust the brakes.
3. Explain and demonstrate the correct use of safety equipment a rider and bicycle must have.
4. State what checks you would carry out before going on a bicycle ride.
5. Demonstrate how to mount and dismount properly.
6. List or state the road rules as they apply to cyclists.
7. Under supervision, go on a ride for at least five kilometres, demonstrating proper hand signals and the ability to ride safely.
8. Keep a log of bicycle rides that you have been on over a period of three months.
9. Explain what different types of bicycles are available and under what conditions they are ridden.
  This info is also in the Achievement Badge section of your yellow Australian Cub Scout Record Book - pages 85-86 