Level 1

Do any three of the following:
1. Write a message in invisible ink.
2. Show you understand a signing alphabet and use it to sign your name.
3. Make up a secret code and write a message of at least 12 words for your Six to decipher.
4. Use the International Phonetic Alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie) and use it to spell your name.
5. Discuss how codes and passwords are used by different organisations and why they are important.
Level 2

Do any four of the following:
1. Explain what Morse Code is, who invented it and describe two ways it can be sent. Make a method of sending Morse Code and use it to send the international distress code.
2. Research different ways codes have been used by the military and explain how messages are encrypted and deciphered.
3. Use the deaf alphabet and at least 6 AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language) signs to hold a conversation.
4. Show how to use SMS text messaging and send and receive a message.
5. Make a set of semaphore flags and send correctly a message of no fewer than eight words.
6. Decipher a message of not less than 20 words and reply in the same code.
7. Explain what Braille is and who invented it.
  This info is also in the Achievement Badge section of your yellow Australian Cub Scout Record Book - pages 79-80 